Qatar Tour, the 3rd stage by Kjell Calstöm, Sporting Director

05 February 2013

IAM Cycling

“Today we went on the road with less wind than the other days. The highest probability was a big group sprint, but we were also ready for some crosswinds and split-ups.

After 17km Sebastien Hinault and Reto Hollenstein were caught in a crash and Reto hit both his knees. He was also unfortunate to destroy his front wheel and his handlebar was pointing in the wrong direction… we had to give him the spare bike. After still some problems he could come back to the peloton with his own bike again and finish the stage.

Pirmin Lang went in the breakaway and felt comfortable there which was a good thing.

Our plan was to help Heinrich Haussler in the final and we tried to do that as a team, even if the final was very hectic. The guys still had some problems staying together, but it’s getting better by the day.

A 5th place is not so bad with some good riders here and hectic final kilometers!

Tomorrow will be the longest stage of the race with 160km and the prediction is bunch sprint once again!”

Kjell Carlström
